Scooters, sea and sleep.

Here we go.

Tomorrow, I’m heading off to Mersea with Charlie to see his parents before I head off to university. Hopefully the weather will be nice, it normally is and I never normally have to worry about what the weather is going to do

As the excerpt states, there are unfortunately no planned posts for this weekend as I started this blog on the fly. Hopefully, as I get more used to this I will have blog posts lined up in order to keep it active while I’m busy. Although, I will be updating my Instagram that is linked to this blog, so that’s one way to keep up with what I’m doing.

The break will be nice. There’s a biker rally going on, I’m not exactly into bikes but it’ll be an experience that’s for sure. Hopefully we’ll take some nice photos and I’ll be able to share some with you to give a more personal touch to my blog. Posts will resume as normal on Monday, after I start my revision for university. Well, try to start it. As long as I’m not to tired, it’s all planned. I just have to stick to it.


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