A little more about me.

Hey there.

As you’ve seen, my name is Emily, you know my age and what I’m studying. Though, unlike most people, I didn’t get into this course the conventional way, I have had to fight a little for it and work very hard to get to where I am.


And that’s my face.

Before I get into the really boring bit where I talk about my studies, let me tell you a little bit about what I do other than physics. I’m a gamer, and enjoy playing SMITE as well as League of Legends – maybe some others if I feel fancy. I also enjoy wandering around places, the feel of discovery is what I thrive on! This leads me to say that I love museums too, I love learning in any way I can. Conventions, lectures and talks are also some things I enjoy attending to pass the time, or enable me to learn in a more casual environment.

I achieved good GCSEs, and the equivalent of AAD at A-level. I’m happy with it, they were in Engineering and Physics so I’ve achieved what I needed to get into University, I thought I might need a foundation year! I initially wanted to do engineering, hence why I did a double award qualification in it, alongside an A-level (Physics) and two AS Levels (Maths and EPQ, which doesn’t really count.)

I have never been naturally clever, I have always had to work very hard for everything I’ve had and that has made me very hard working as a person, and I aim to show all that I do throughout my course to achieve the best possible grade I can. Let’s hope.

Headspace wise, it’s not a fun place to be. I was diagnosed with severe depression with denationalisation tendencies a while back. It doesn’t stop me too much. Just gives off the illusion that I’m a pessimist. I’m trying, yo.

I have also always wanted to start a blog, but have always worried it would never get any exposure. Its only now that I realise, everyone has to start to actually see results. So this is me starting.

I have always been very passionate about my subject, and I hope I can show my love for it and inspire some people to chose the same path. I don’t want to say too much, otherwise it would ruin my blog posts! So lets just start this journey together.

– notetakr